Romanian classes for foreigners

Preț: 101-299 lei
Certificare: fără certificare
Durată aproximativă: ritm propriu
Instituție organizatoare: Interactive Language
Autori de curs: Interactive Language
Organizare: curs online
Limba: engleză

Temele cursului: Romanian classes for foreigners. The classes are 1 to 1, and take place daily via Skype or Google Hangouts, as a video or audio call. The classes are personalized for each student, and they can be booked either in individual meetings, either in the form of a module. The classes proposed are aimed at meeting your main goal. The business class is for those who are changing their jobs or locations, focusing on business communication and the professional environment. The conversation class includes less grammar and writing, and focuses on your expression abilities, as well as on the different communication situations and contexts you may find yourself in. You may choose from the topics yourself. The grammar class is particularly adequate for students or pupils wishing to improve their writing skills and/or are facing exams or tests in any of the languages. A special pronunciation class, as well as a translation class are also available.


2 types of classes are available: 30-minute classes or 60-minute classes. If you wish to book a lesson, let the teacher know at least 24 hours before your desired time, and you will receive a confirmation soon after your message. You need a steady Internet connection, and either Skype installed on your device or a Google account.
You can take as many classes as you want, whenever you want. The teacher will keep a record of your classes to evaluate your progress if you wish to take more classes later on. You are encouraged to work individually, and you will receive feedback or support via email as well. In our audio/video meetings we will focus primarily on communication.
You can take up a class at any level – beginner, intermediate or advanced. The first class (30 minutes) is free.


Observații: Classes start daily, discounts available for multiple lessons booked at a time. Price is 25-60 lei/ hour.
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Ultima actualizare: februarie 6, 2014 la 10:39 am
Data publicării paginii: 6 februarie 2014
Accesări: 4.734